Our partners
As part of the central partnership with the team of Root Foundation in Rwanda, Root Foundation Germany e.V. also acts as a point of contact for other German organizations cooperating with Root Foundation. In addition, Root Foundation Germany e.V. is generally open to possible cooperation with associations that are committed to similar purposes.

Entwicklungspolitischen Netzwerk Sachsen e.V. (ENS)
Root Foundation Germany e.V. is a member of the Entwicklungspolitisches Netzwerk Sachsen e.V. (ENS), a network of NGOs from the German state of Saxony working in contexts of South-North cooperation. Within this framework, our association has the opportunity to link up with other NGOs as well as with the ENS itself, which is a versatile idea provider. In the second edition of the magazine of Root Foundation Germany e.V., you can find a guest article by Willy Vetter, the co-managing director of ENS, in which he also addresses our association's work.
Partnerschaft Rheinland-Pfalz / Ruanda e.V. („Jumelage”)
The Partnership Association Rhineland-Palatinate / Rwanda (“Jumelage”) – as part of its role as an intermediary between German and Rwandan organizations – supports Root Foundation Germany e.V. in the transfer of donations from Germany to Root Foundation in Rwanda.
Gymnasium Netphen
An active, long-standing contact has existed with Ursula Wussow and the youth groups she leads. During her time as a teacher at Gymnasium Netphen, a German secondary school, she coordinated the cooperation project “At eye level - learning to act sustainably from one another” between children and youth from Netphen and from Root Foundation in Rwanda. In this context, a group of students from Netphen and Kigali took part in the third edition of the magazine of Root Foundation Germany e.V. with joint contributions on the topic of “happiness”. In line with its spirit of seeking joint solutions for social and ecological problems, the cooperation was awarded several times in youth competitions. In addition to the thematic project exchange, the cooperation has thus also managed to support Root Foundation financially.
Hilda-Gymnasium Koblenz
Root Foundation has been in dialogue with Hilda-Gymnasium Koblenz, another German secondary school, since 2018, when a group of teachers and students first visited the Rwandan organization in Kigali. The school's Rwanda working group has been actively learning about Rwanda as a country and is now developing its own projects in partnership with children and youth from Root Foundation. Thus, a group of students from Koblenz and Kigali also contributed to the third issue of the magazine of Root Foundation Germany e.V. with their own “happiness stories”. In addition, the working group supports Root Foundation through annual fundraising activities, the proceeds of which are donated to Root Foundation Germany e.V..
Eine Welt Netz NRW e.V. (One World Network North Rhine-Westphalia) and
DRK in Hessen Volunta gGmbH (German Red Cross in Hesse Volunta)
Every year, Eine Welt Netz NRW e.V. (One World Network North Rhine-Westphalia) and DRK in Hessen Volunta gGmbH (German Red Cross in Hesse Volunta) select young adults from Germany to work for one year as volunteers at Root Foundation in Rwanda through the “weltwärts” program. Our association is in contact with both organizations especially with respect to the volunteers' preparation and opportunities for their longer-term commitment. Firstly, this cooperation makes it possible for new volunteers to learn about Rwanda and in particular the work of Root Foundation in Rwanda in advance. Moreover, the two organizations support Root Foundation Germany e.V. in its efforts to actively invite those volunteers who have come back from Rwanda to continue their commitment to Root Foundation as members of our association, if they are interested in doing so.