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As Root Foundation Germany e.V. we support the work of our Partner in Rwanda

We strongly believe that topics around education and personal development of children and adolescents are equally important for us in Germany. We have experienced first hand that Root Foundation Rwanda is irreplaceable for many children. It provides a safe place to play and grow, enables education and informal learning, fosters talent and builds trust. Through continuous donations we aim to ensure the work in Rwanda is sustainable. Our objectives include having an open dialogue, joint projects and cultural exchange which should be preserved in the long term.

Creating Value

The work of Root Foundation Rwanda is essential and effective both in terms of education, personal development and the creation of value systems for over 200 children and adolescents in Kigali who mainly rely on Root Foundation to provide guidance and perspectives tor a brighter future. 

Securing Finance

Root Foundation Rwanda has always faced structural challenges.Consistent funding has not been sustainably ensured in recent years which in turn results in qualitative pedagogical work not having been carried out in a consistent manner.

Our Responsibility

Every child has the right to education, social security, full personal development and integration and participation in society. Ensuring this in Rwanda is everyone's responsibility and can be advocated by Germany.

Our Perspective

We are working together with Root Foundation Rwanda on the process of becoming an independent and self-sustaining Rwandan organization in the longer term. Our goal is not to make Root Foundation Rwanda dependent on funding from Germany. However, the step towards independence is not possible without pre-financing and stability.

In order to secure the continuation of Root Foundation, we were asked for financial support from Rwanda. The source of donation (whether Rwanda or Germany) does not play a major role in direct personal gain, neither for the children and adolescents nor for the committed volunteers in Rwanda.

Nevertheless, organisational partnerships should have a broader remit than simple fundraising and focus on generating awareness and constructive engagement in and around the development context, facilitate advocacy and have a more collaborative empowered approach to development?


Our work should therefore not be limited to generating donations. We are responsible for partnership projects between Root Foundation Rwanda and German institutions, discussing and reflecting on our work, giving talks on our experience and work in Rwanda. In future we aim to initiate our own cultural exchange events and projects and operate a digital platform with discussions on postcolonial thinking. 

How we work 

Transparency, Autonomy and critical Reflection

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