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A look at our partner organisation 

Despite the strong economic growth in Rwanda since the end of the Genocide in 1994, national structures that support disadvantaged children adequately are still missing. For this reason, Root Foundation Rwanda has been offering a perspective and hope for the future to 300 disadvantaged children and youth in Kigali since 2012: It facilitates their learning and personal development  and education in close cooperation with their families. – This happens through regular activities at the Children’s Center. To guarantee extensive support, Root Foundation is structured by means of 3 thematic programmes: 

Central Pillars of work

Personal development

Personal development

This program includes all the informal education activities that take place at the Center on a daily basis: Music lessons, dancing, acrobatics, theatre, football...


Content workshops (Kids Fellowship), public demonstrations (My Talent Show) and excursions to museums take place on a regular basis.


The aim of the programme is to develop social competence, self-awareness and a sense of responsibility as well as promote talent.


Children who regularly participate in the Root Foundation's activities and request so will be financially encouraged to participate in school education. 


Selection is based on criteria such as motivation, neediness, and prospects of success. The participation in the school is supervised pedagogically. Currently, 42 children and young people are being supported.


The aim of the programme is to enable children to shape their own future through qualifications.


Root Foundation consciously seeks to involve the immediate environment of the children in the promotion of their personal development and education.


A strong family network is a prerequisite for successful development. Volunteers regularly visit the children's families. They advise parents on educational issues and strengthen their awareness of the need for their children's education.


The aim of the programme is to strengthen the responsibility of the family.

For more information

  • RootFoundationRwanda

Target Group 

More than 300 underprivileged children and youth in Kigali benefit from the work of Root Foundation Rwanda. Siblings, parents and other family members also profit from the many pedagogical initiatives including  Parents’ Fellowships or home visits. 



What children does the Root Foundation Rwanda care for?


What children does the Root Foundation Rwanda care for?

The children of Root Foundation Rwanda are mostly between the age of 6 and 18.  This includes girls as well as boys. Girls from the age of puberty are especially catered for through the Umuwaliprogram.

The participating children generally have a weak socio-economic background, i.e. they have neither sufficient financial means to attend school nor a strong family network (e.g. unemployment, illness, lack of education), which enabled them to participate in society. Thus, they are at risk of spending time on the street during their childhood. Many children do not have the opportunity to develop important social skills and are often negatively affected. 


The participating children often look for an opportunity to develop their own identity. In Root Foundation, they find a place that they do not have elsewhere. 

Documentation about Root Foundation Rwanda

Testimonials from Root Foundation children provide insights into

the difficulties of our target group and show the importance of the organisation

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