The new, jointly produced magazine of Root Foundation Rwanda and Root Foundation Germany e.V. will be published in December. If you are interested in last year's magazine
or would like to receive an issue of the next one, you can already contact us by email: info@rfgermany.org.
This year, as a new format, we will also publish mini-interviews in which members of both organisations briefly and succinctly answer personal questions about their work and their relationship to Root Foundation. In this way, we want to offer you an even more direct insight into our NGOs. Sophia Binz, 25, is responsible for Donation Management on the German side and has devoted special attention to the SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals) for the new issue. As a foretaste of her article, here are her answers to our mini-interview-questions:
RFG: Why are the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) relevant to RF's work?
Sophia: The Sustainable Development Goals or SDGs are relevant in most areas of development (cooperation) work. While Root Foundation does not explicitly work to achieve these goals, a closer look reveals that many of the RFR's activities make valuable contributions to one goal or another. For example, all of RFR's work can be found under the first goal "No Poverty" and important positions of the organisation coincide with goals four and five "Quality Education" and "Gender Equality".
What exactly the SDGs are and why much more attention should be paid to this issue
(also within RFR) can be found in my magazine article on the SDGs in Rwanda.
RFG: What are your 3 main motivations for staying on after your internship?
Sophia: I stayed a part of the team after my internship because I took Root Foundation,
the children and all the work in Rwanda to my heart and I want to follow and support their exciting development! I am also very interested in the topics we deal with at RFG, for example on issues of post-colonialism and the critical examination of development cooperation. Last but not least, working in the RFG team is an exciting and varied balance to my studies and my job.