As Root Foundation Germany e.V. we support the work of our Partner in Rwanda
We strongly believe that topics around education and personal development of children and adolescents are equally important for us in Germany. We have experienced first hand that Root Foundation Rwanda is irreplaceable for many children. It provides a safe place to play and grow, enables education and informal learning, fosters talent and builds trust. Through continuous donations we aim to ensure the work in Rwanda is sustainable. Our objectives include having an open dialogue, joint projects and cultural exchange which should be preserved in the long term.
Our Responsibility
We value commitment and professionalism. As a team, we volunteer for the association in addition to our actual employment: education, study, work. We rely on an honest and transparent handling of finances, organisational structure and our capacities. By doing so, we hope to attain our member donors’ trust.
Our Responsibility
We leave the decision on how to use the donation to the organization in Rwanda, whether it be school fees, transport costs or rent. By this we offer Root Foundation Rwanda the room to manoeuvre to which is needed for their work and efforts to succeed.
Only through a self-determined process of growth, encouraged by local volunteers, is the valuable work in Rwanda possible. We recognize that the Rwandan organization knows how best to decide on financial demand than us who understand and define ourselves as their helping hand. As we work on eye-level, we continuously exchange and advise each other on the most sensible use of the resources, make recommendations and ask for proof and evidence of the exact use of the resources. Some children receive individual support, but in general we do not encourage direct partnerships with children.
We build our partnership on the basis of two main elements:
Our Responsibility
By collecting donations we tend to reinforce restricted patterns of thinking and may encourage the dependency of the African continent from a beneficial West, the immaturity of Rwandan society and poverty in general.
We want to distance ourselves from this picture of dependence and state that: Material inequality does not mean mental inequality. In fact, from this concept grows the responsibility to offer donated resources so that Rwandan volunteers have the opportunity to put their own ideas and valuable commitment into Root Foundation Rwanda for the good of the children and youth.
Because we are aware of the effect of a transactional transfer of money to Rwanda, we continually reflect on our work from a development political point of view and seek counsel and discuss with experts. It is important for our team to keep and use our personal relations with Root Foundation Rwanda to enable a good and open contact and dialogue. We engage with our own story of formation and regularly discuss how we want to present ourselves to the public.
We strongly believe that topics around education and personal development of children and adolescents are equally important for us in Germany. We have experienced first hand that Root Foundation Rwanda is irreplaceable for many children. It provides a safe place to play and grow, enables education and informal learning, fosters talent and builds trust. Through continuous donations we aim to ensure the work in Rwanda is sustainable. Our objectives include having an open dialogue, joint projects and cultural exchange which should be preserved in the long term.